BlackBerry 9320 Worldwide New Algorithm (Factory Code) - 0-3 DaysGlobal availability for valid orders in the last 3 months: 100% Service Status: Online✅ $28.95 USD Delivery Time 0-3 Days Factory Unlock for BlackBerry 9320 Worldwide New Algorithm (Factory Code)This Phone have Old MEP but code generated by Calculator does not work as they have new security and the only codes that work are from the Blackberry database (Factory Code). Code Processing Format:You will receive MEP2 and MEP4 codes. (For some IMEIs, only MEP2 may be available, which is correct.) Verifications: If you receive the wrong code and your phone counter is NOT blocked, and the IMEI is correct, please contact us for verification. Note for Canada Phones: For Canada carrier-locked phones, most require an 8-digit unlock code. If you receive a 16-digit code that does not work and your phone is from Canada, you must enter the first 8 digits of the MEP2 code. Example: If the given MEP2 code is 25664785213XXXXX and it does not work, you should enter 25664785. This rule applies ONLY to Canada phones (Rogers, Fido, etc.). |
GSM Unlock USA, Blackberry New/Old Security, BlackBerry 9320 Worldwide New Algorithm (Factory Code) - 0-3 Days, Free Unlock Instructions |